Can I purchase a realistic HKMA certificate in Hong Kong?

The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) is a mass professional body aimed at improving the standard of management in Hong Kong’s industrial and commercial sectors. Founded in 1960. Funded by the Hong Kong Government. Main tasks: contact with colleagues, collect and publish management scientific materials, and train management professionals. Set up the board of directors and various functional committees, in 1986, there are more than 5,600 members of various types. It has three management development (training) centers and a library, and in addition to running its own courses, it also runs schools jointly with institutions of higher learning and education departments in Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas.
How much to get a fake HKMA diploma certificate in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Management Association/Peng Cheng Charity Foundation: The briefing and opening ceremony of the 2024 Inter-School (Secondary School) Business Management Simulation Competition was held last Friday, attracting 107 teams from 75 secondary schools with a total of 428 secondary school students to participate both online and offline. Order City University of Hong Kong diploma, buy CityU degree online. We invited the former Secretary for Education of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mr Ng Hak-chien, GBS JP, to deliver our opening speech, and a group of secondary school students also had a direct exchange with the four ceos on the same day