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Driven by economic globalization, accounting standards of various countries are becoming more and more internationalized and unified. US accounting standards have great influence in the process of updating international accounting standards. The US CPA qualification is widely recognized in 64 countries and regions including China. It is an authoritative international accountant qualification; it is a powerful individual with international accounting, financial, legal knowledge and skills. Proof; it is also the necessary knowledge preparation for business and business; it is also a powerful weapon to enhance professional functions and professional background. This qualification is an international authority, more representative of international accounting standards, and a symbol of the ability of practitioners.

CPA certificates’ importance

The US CPA has just landed in China, and its development prospects in China are generally optimistic. In recent years, how can I apply for a Texas CPA certificate? where to buy Texas CPA certificate, buy fake Texas CPA certificate. How to get Texas CPA fake certificate, this demand has been particularly evident as more and more Chinese companies have gone public in the US capital market and more and more US companies have entered China. Data from the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants show that they are eligible for USCPA status in China. The number of people is still very small.

At present, there is a gap of about 250,000 talents who understand US accounting standards (US GAAP) and have US CPA qualifications. In the recruitment advertisements of the Big Four accounting firms and multinational corporations, almost all of their recruiting financial positions require candidates to hold US CPA qualifications. With the internationalization of accounting and the popularization of International Accounting Standards (IAS), both Chinese companies listed overseas and domestic well-known companies or accounting firms in Europe and the United States are more likely to recruit American CPAs. Applicants are engaged in financial management.

The 2012 AICP Candidate Data from NASBA provided detailed analysis of the test performance of 8,503 candidates from 101 countries. buy California fake CPA certificate, buy Illinois CPA certificate, buy Florida CPA certificate, As can be seen from the data, the number of Chinese candidates in 2012 reached 741, which is an increase of 195% compared with the number of exams in 2011. Compared with the number of exams three years ago, the number of exams increased by 394%, and the number of candidates ranked fourth in the world!

The data shows that the average pass rate of Chinese candidates is 43.1% (down from 49.3% in 2011), ranking fourth in overseas regions; the average score of Chinese candidates is 70.4, which is the highest in overseas regions.

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