GCE certificate

Buy a fake General Certificate of Education certificate, fake GCE certificate . How to get a fake General Certificate of Education certificate.  Order a General Certificate of Education certificate in the UK, purchase a fake GCE certificate . The General Certificate of Education (GCE) was established in England and Wales after the Second World War.

The Education Act of 1943 established a strategy to deliver a universal secondary education system fit for the post-war social and economic reconstruction of the country. It envisaged three distinct types of schools: Grammar Schools, Technical Schools and Secondary Modern Schools, all to be provided at public expense, and each of which were intended to provide education appropriate to the abilities and aspirations of their pupils. The syllabi and examination standards of both GCE and CSE should be seen in this context.

The General Certificate of Education set out to provide a national standard for matriculation to university undergraduate courses. It had two levels, Ordinary and Advanced, which rapidly became known throughout the education system as “O levels” and “A Levels.” Ordinary levels were usually taken at the age of 16 – the statutory minimum school leaving age – and Advanced levels at the age of 18 after a further two year course. Both the O level and A level courses were examined by subject. And matriculation  was set at five passes in different subjects, of which two had to be at A level.

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